Singer Songwriter


The launch of my new website!
19 July 2015
I have been so caught up with my song writing that I failed to notice how out of date my old website was. I have taken great joy in creating this theme (actually, modifying an everweb template) and I hope my webpage visitors find it to be user friendly. If you have any suggestions of possible improvements, please send me an email! I would love it to be easy to navigate and to not annoy any of my visitors.
So, I hope you have a nice user experience, and please stop to listen to my music.
Recording in Athens
29 May 2015
I have just been in the studio recording two new songs: "I wish you were here" and "Farewell", and rerecording two old favourites: "I'm playing for you" and "Tell Me". The recordings are for the Australian Songwritings competition, run by the Australian Songwriters Association. Hopefully the judges like these songs as much as my friends do.